Let’s Have a Conversation with Chocolate Chips!

As for Take A Class For Me, how we collect and use your information, we are very clear about it. This cookie policy provides an explanation on how and when cookies are used on our website. Let us just jump into it!

We send you cookies as tiny text files which exclusively go to the computer or mobile phone that you have. They are exclusive to your account or browser. Some last for only a short while (session-based) and disappear when the browser is closed down. Others last till they get deleted by yourself or when they expire.

Check this site out for cookie details and information if you want more information! πŸ€“

πŸͺ Do We Use Cookies?

Absolutely! We at Take A Class For Me use cookies alongside similar technologies such as pixel GIFs and web beacons. Both session-based and persistent cookies play a role in delivering our services smoothly as well as making it easy to navigate through our site.

There are first-party cookies that we set ourselves, and there are also third-party cookies like Google Analytics that we use.

πŸ› οΈ How Do We Use Cookies?

Some of them enable us to keep you logged in using your account details and service orders that you made. Others do not necessarily relate to your account yet give us room to evaluate data plus personalize what you enjoy while using the platform.

Cookies assist us in recognizing who you are, recalling your choices, enabling us to provide tailored experiences depending on particular settings of yours. Additionally, they will make your conversations go fast and safely.

πŸ’° Cookies for Advertising

We use cookies and other ad tech like beacons and pixels to ensure that our users get the most out of our services. They also provide us with aggregated analytics data, auditable research data as well as reporting data so that we can know when you have been exposed to what content.

This way, we are able to improve our marketing campaigns and deliver more personalized ads and content to you. 🎯

πŸ”’ Privacy and Security

Take A Class For Me takes privacy very seriously. Cookies assist us in securing your account from unauthorized access as well as ensuring a safe browsing experience.

Without your permission, we shall never release or sell any personal information about you to third parties for purposes of marketing. πŸ”

In case you don’t want any cookies set on your system, there is an option where most browsers allow managing cookie preferences to meet individual requirements. Some browsers even enable controlling each website’s settings.
See how to manage cookies in:

πŸ“ƒ Google Chrome
πŸ“ƒ Internet Explorer
πŸ“ƒ Mozilla Firefox
πŸ“ƒ Safari
πŸ“ƒ Android Browser
πŸ“ƒ Opera

For others refer to manufacturer documentation.

You can also choose not to receive interest-based ads or Google Analytics cookies from participating ad servers.

Note: Limiting the use of cookies could affect your user experience because the site will not be personalized anymore and might also hinder you from saving custom settings like login information.

πŸͺ Our Site’s Cookies

Essential Cookies
Functional Cookies
Analytical or Performance Cookies
Advertising Cookies
Social Media Cookies
Third Party Cookies
Security Cookies
Preference Cookies
Session Cookies
Persistent Cookies
Performance Cookies
Marketing Cookies

πŸ†• Latest Updates & Changes

We may modify this Cookie Policy periodically to reflect changes in our practices or services and any material alterations will be communicated to you by way of updated posting on our website.

πŸ™‹ Queries?

In case you have any inquiries concerning this Cookie Policy, please get in touch with us through [email protected] or call +1 (657) 300-3540 we’d love to hear from you! πŸ’¬

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