
The SAT Math Survival Kit 

The SAT, often dubbed as the “Scholastic Aptitude Test,” is not just a lineup of brain teasers but a landmark occasion in a student’s life. With its three main sections, the Math portion can often impart a feeling of charting through a tangled path, where performing well is the ticket to your dream high school. In today’s world, where college acceptance tests are becoming increasingly hard, a stellar performance in the math section adds sparkles to your application.

As it is a battleground of numbers, equations, and different kinds of problems, students often see it as a difficult challenge to surpass. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed when you are surrounded by word problems and geometry concepts that seem like riddles. The tick-tock of the clock only adds to the problem making you feel like you are running a marathon while juggling math books. 

Fear not! This blog is your go-to guide when preparing for the math section of the SAT. We provide you with real-world tips and strategies that can help you ace your math section. Stop thinking “How to be well-prepared for the math section of the SAT?” because all you have to do is read this blog till the end.

Understanding the SAT Math Section 

The math section in the SAT consists of a variety of questions that test your mathematical knowledge and problem-solving skills. It is composed of two parts, one where you are allowed to use a calculator and one where you aren’t. Let’s look at the four divisions of the key questions you are going to encounter while solving the math section;


The sub-section tests your knowledge of algebraic equations, inequalities, functions, etc. It emphasizes relationships between quantities and if you can manipulate these algebraic expressions. It deals with: 

  • Linear Equations and Inequalities: Expect to encounter questions that will ask you to find variables in one variable and two variable equations. Based on given constraints, you’ll have to determine possible solutions for each problem.
  • Functions: You might face questions about functions, asking you to evaluate and analyze the x and y intercepts. This might go as far as determining and comparing their graphs.
  • Systems of Equations: Some questions may involve real-world applications like substitution or elimination methods. 

Problem Solving and Data Analysis 

Problem-solving and data analysis require you to have the essential skills to interpret and then analyze the given data. It also checks your ability to make decisions based on quantitative information. The subsections consist of the following questions;

  • Ratios and Proportions: It consists of questions concerning proportional relationships. It assesses whether you can apply these concepts to real-world scenarios like interpreting maps.
  • Statistics: To solve the statistics questions, you’ll have to work on measuring central tendencies like mean, median, and mode. These questions will check your ability to draw conclusions and make predictions.
  • Graphs and Charts: These questions will predict whether you can translate visual data such as graphs (bar, line) into mathematical interpretations. 

Advanced Math

As the title implies, advanced math deals with higher-level math questions, a little higher than your pay grade. These are listed below;

  • Polynomials: Problems concerning polynomials may ask you to find zeros of polynomials or interpret their graphs. Questions may deal with polynomial expressions like multiplication or subtraction. 
  • Exponential Functions: Expect questions that mirror real-world situations like population growth or radioactive decay.
  • Complex Numbers: Questions regarding complex numbers will determine your understanding of their implication. 

Geometry and Trigonometry

The subsections assess your knowledge extending beyond regular questions. It consists of the following types of questions;

  • Properties of Shapes: It can assess something as basic as the properties of two-dimensional and three-dimensional shapes. You might also need to calculate the area, perimeter, or volume of these shapes. 
  • Angles and Triangles: Expect to see questions involving angles and triangles, Pythagorean theorem as well as angle relations in parallel lines. 
  • Basic Trigonometric Ratios: The questions will test your understanding of sine, cosine, and tangent ratios, especially when dealing with right triangles. Problems may ask you to calculate the lengths of sides or angles. 

Scoring System

Typically, the score for SAT math section is between 200-800, and each section contributes equally to the overall score. Let’s have a look at the distribution of questions; 

  1. Algebra: 13–15 questions
  2. Problem Solving and Data Analysis: 13–15 questions
  3. Advanced Math: 5–7 questions
  4. Geometry and Trigonometry: 5–7 questions

SAT Math Preparation Tips 

If you want to conjure solutions out of thin air like a perfect math wizard, here are some of the best ways to study for SAT math sections. These strategies will elevate your math anxiety and transform it into confidence. Watch as your math scores soar as you implement each strategy mentioned in this blog; 

Assess Your Current Math Skills 

Take a long hard look in the mirror and do a self-check. Before diving head first into the math prep, you need to evaluate your current math skills. Assess yourself on a scale of 1 to 10, where do you stand? Take a diagnostic test to know about your strengths and weaknesses. Here’s how you can do that; 

  • Choose the Right Tests: Look for tests that align with the SAT math test format. See if the tests have relevant sections that cover algebra, advanced math, geometry, and trigonometry, as well as problem-solving and data analysis. You can find several such tests online including SAT practice tests, Khan Academy diagnostic tests and quizzes, etc. 
  • Take the Test Seriously: Think of the test as if it were a real test. Focus and answer each question to the best of your ability. Pay close attention to the questions you know how to solve as well as the ones you couldn’t solve. 
  • Reflect on Your Performance: Look at the results and rewind the footage to reflect on your performance. Ask yourself the following questions; 
  • What concepts did I find easy?
  • Which areas were confusing?
  • Were there specific question types that I found tricky consistently?

Develop a Plan 

You need to invent your own playbook if you want to improve SAT math score. Create a study plan for effective preparation. A good study plan not only paves the way for success but also fits your individual needs and time constraints. 

Set Realistic Goals

Setting achievable goals is important for you to stay on track as well as stay motivated. Unrealistic goals, when not achieved can impact your motivation on a massive level. 

Start by having a target score in mind. A realistic goal might be to aim for a 50-100 point increase in your score, depending on your starting point. Having grand objectives is a useless thing to do and therefore unachievable. Divide your tasks into smaller parts so that you can achieve each milestone at its designated time. 

Tailor Your Schedule

Consider your existing commitments, such as school, work, and extracurricular activities before creating a schedule. Decide when are you going to take the SAT. Discover how much time you have left until the test and plan accordingly. Typically, the preparation period is around 6 to 8 weeks. 

Depending on your energy and availability, allocate specific days to each topic, for instance;

  1. Monday: Algebra
  2. Wednesday: Geometry
  3. Friday: Data analysis and problem-solving

Study Breaks and Flexibility

To steer clear of burnout and to maintain focus, incorporate study breaks in between the study sessions. Use techniques such as the Pomodoro technique or physical activity like a stretch or short walk. 

Life is unpredictable and throws you into unexpected situations. Therefore, you need to stay alert and check your progress continuously. Devote more time to the topics you struggle with and be flexible when you miss a study session. Don’t be too hard on yourself and find a way to make up for that loss. 

If planning and sticking to a schedule is not your strong forte and feels like herding cats, consider switching to Take A Class For Me. Here, you can hire us through our “Pay someone to take my online math exam” service. We are experts who will take your online math exams for you!

Study Key Math Concepts

Start off on the right foot and study all the main math concepts that are likely to be a part of the exam. Following are the key topics you need to study;

  • Algebra: linear equations, systems, functions, and polynomials
  • Geometry: triangles, Quadrilaterals and Polygons, circles
  • Trigonometry: basic ratios, solving problems, graphs
  • Statistics: descriptive statistics and interpreting data

Use Quality Study Resources 

Having the right tools is the first condition for setting yourself up for success. When preparing for the math section of the SAT, use only high-quality sources that you can rely on. Here’s a list of SAT math practice resources, that will serve as your most trusted allies in this endeavor; 

SAT Math Prep Books

  • College Board’s Official SAT Study Guide: An original SAT guide by the creators of the SAT. It has detailed explanations along with real practice tests. It also offers practical tips on how to solve different kinds of questions.
  • Barron’s SAT Math Prep: Known for its detailed approach, the book contains in-depth explanations for various types of questions, hundreds of questions, and practice tests, as well as strategies to solve them.
  • Princeton Review’s Cracking the SAT Math Section: From effective techniques for managing time to real solutions to practice questions, Princeton Review serves as one of the best book resources for the SAT math section.
  • Kaplan’s SAT Prep Plus: In addition to the regular benefits like tips and strategies for solving questions and practice tests, Kaplan offers access to online resources such as quizzes. 

Online Resources

There are plenty of online resources available on the internet. Some are listed below;

  • Khan Academy: Often considered as one of the best platforms, Khan Academy offers amazing SAT preparation resources, including personalized practice, and video lessons. It also provided practice questions after its partnerships with the College Board.
  • College Board Official SAT Practice Tests: An original online SAT guide by the creators of the SAT. It has detailed explanations along with real practice tests. It also offers practical tips on how to solve different kinds of questions.
  • Purplemath: It is also a SAT math resource that focuses largely on the algebra section. It has clear explanations and practice problems. 

Apps and Websites

  • Magoosh SAT Prep: Mangoosh is a mobile app as well as a website that offers SAT prep resources including videos and practice questions. It can also create a study schedule based on the date of your SAT. 
  • Ready4 SAT: A mobile app famous for providing detailed explanations and full-length practice tests. Its most astonishing feature is that of adaptive learning where it adjusts questions based on your performance. 
  • SAT Up: If you are someone who struggles to find the motivation to study or someone who is looking for interesting ways to study math, SAT Up is a mobile app that offers interesting game-like quizzes to lock your motivation in one place. 


Congratulations on making it through our blog on SAT math section strategies. Here’s a recap of what you need to do to secure your desired scores in the SAT math section—first, nail the basics by getting comfy with algebra, statistics, geometry, etc. The next stop is designing an effective study schedule, one that works for you in all ways. Don’t forget to include breaks so that your brain stays sharp throughout. Use the mentioned resources to their fullest and above all, keep the positivity flowing. Stay motivated and have faith in yourself. 

Worn out like a zombie trying to keep up with your online math class prep? If you are operating on caffeine and dreams, and want a courageous comrade to step up and take your online math classes for you, consider Take A Class For Me. We are your trusty sidekick in this math melodrama. 
Click our service “Pay someone to take my online math exam” and be ready to transform your lives. We offer an easy way out of this cycle of trouble. Hire us so that we can take over your fears and ace your online math classes for you.

Emily Baul

Expert Assignment Writer

Hi everyone! Hello there, My name is Emily, and I provide Online Class Helper services in Los Angeles. Who says balancing between work or school by meeting and final tasks, and having a busy social life? I discovered “Take A Class For Me” when I couldn’t effectively manage the rigors of an online business management class. They were so helpful with our online class whether it be with tutorials or assignment submissions. I can now devote time and energy to a job, but I do not have to sacrifice academic performance for it.

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