
Nursing Entrance Exam; A Detailed Guide

You’ve always dreamt of yourself donning that nurse’s uniform, making a real difference in people’s lives. But before stepping into the scrubs, you must conquer the nursing entrance exam.

A Nursing entrance exam is a standardized test that is taken to evaluate whether the candidates have the knowledge and skills needed to become a nurse. The exam is an important step in the admission process of nursing schools. 

But how hard is the nurse entrance exam? It’s a common question that pops up in the heads of many! Dont worry! This blog addresses what you need to know about the difficulty level of a Nursing exam. 

So, whether you are someone new trying to explore the unknown terrain of nursing exams or someone knee-deep in a study plan, the knowledge of what to expect from the exam can turn the unknown into your ally! 

Introducing Nursing Entrance Exam:

A nursing entrance exam is an admission test used by nursing schools to evaluate a candidate’s potential for success in the field of nursing. This exam is designed to assess a range of skills and knowledge areas related to the healthcare system. 

The main purpose of a Nursing school entrance exam is to screen out applicants who are not only academically excellent but also more likely to be successful in the field of nursing. The exam acts as a filter to sieve out the candidates who are best prepared to take on the trials of nursing training.

Common Types of Nursing Entrance Exams:

There are several different types of Nursing entrance exams, some common ones are listed below;

TEAS (Test of Essential Academic Skills):

  • Purpose: TEAS is a test of basic academic skills such as reading, math, science, and English language usage. For Nursing, it tests whether the candidate has the general skills needed to survive and more importantly, to understand the field.
  • Format: It is a MCQs based test, consisting of four main sections; Reading, Mathematics, Science, and English.

The test is managed by ATI (Assessment Technologies Institute), which provides study guides and practice tests to help prepare for the test.

HESI A2 (Health Education Systems, Inc. Admission Assessment):

  • Purpose: The HESI A2 is not much different than TEAS, it just emphasizes nursing subjects such as Anatomy and Physiology in addition to the common subjects.
  • Format: The exam is composed of different sections for Reading Comprehension, Vocabulary and General Knowledge, Grammar, Math, Anatomy and Physiology, and Critical Thinking. Each section contains 25 questions.

Study guides by Elsevier are a trusted choice for the preparation of the HESI A2 assessment as it is produced by the same company that makes the HESI A2 test.

NET (Nursing Entrance Test):

  • Purpose: Consisting of 6 parts, the NET takes almost 2.5 hours to complete.
  • Format: The test consists of sections on maths, reading speed, social decisions, comprehension, learning styles, and questions regarding stressful situations.

Ask nursing schools to refer to some guides for the preparation of NET.

NLN PAX (National League for Nursing Pre-Admission Examination):

  • Purpose: It checks the ability and readiness of a candidate for nursing education. 
  • Format: It consists of sections such as verbal ability, mathematics, and science.

Sections of the Nursing Entrance Exam:

  1. Math

The Mathematics section consists of questions you have been solving from when you were a child. It can start from as basic as addition and subtraction to more complex questions like the interpretation of graphs. Algebra, ratios, and measurements are some other questions that you might encounter in the Nursing school entrance exam maths section.

  1. Reading 

Preparing for nursing school exams requires you to work on your reading skills. These questions are designed to assess your comprehension, critical thinking, and vocabulary. Incorporate reading in your study plan to be able to understand and draw conclusions from passages.

  1. Science

This section is very diverse as it contains many branches like Biology, Chemistry, and Physics. It consists of questions on human anatomy, cellular biology, chemical reactions, and mechanics. 

  1. Writing

The writing section is tricky for a few candidates because crafting coherent essays, generating arguments, and producing perfect grammar isn’t always a straightforward task. It demands you to not only write but stick to the standards of writing mechanics.

  1. Anatomy and Physiology

For some, the Nurse entrance exam difficulty starts with Anatomy and Physiology as this section contains some complex types of questions including those that involve human body systems, and physiological processes.

How Hard is the Nurse Entrance Exam?

Standing at the threshold of your career, the only thing between you and a successful future in healthcare is the Nursing entrance exam. The difficulty level of a Nursing entrance exam varies with the type of assessment you are looking forward to such as TEAS, HESI, or any other test. 

Unlike other exams, there may not be an acceptance threshold or criteria for passing a Nursing exam. Factors such as a robust GPA and an impeccable academic history can increase your chances of selection.

Here’s why many candidates find Nursing entrance exams difficult;

  • Complex Subject Matter 

The broad range of topics covered in a Nursing entrance exam can be a hard no for many candidates. The sheer range of information to retain can be overwhelming for students which is why they constantly wonder how to pass the nurse entrance exam without being subjected to an intense load of study material.

  • Time Management

Time management in Nursing exams can become quite challenging as candidates have to answer a significant amount of questions in a limited time frame.

  • Varied Question Formats

As discussed above, there are a variety of nursing assessments and each type has a different format of questions. Jumping from MCQs to reading and from reading to writing essays can be tricky for candidates.

Factors That Contribute to Exam Difficulty:

Here are some factors that contribute to the nurse entrance exam difficulty;

  1. Test-Taker’s Academic Background

A candidate’s prior academic background plays a pivotal role in deciding the difficulty level of a nursing entrance exam. Those who have recently studied subjects like biology, chemistry, mathematics, etc, or have a strong foundation in these areas will find the assessment less difficult compared to those who do not have such a background.

  1. Time Constraints and Pressure

Time constraints and stress are a part of the nursing entrance exam package. Due to the strict time limits imposed on each section, candidates become subject to intense pressure, making it hard for them to maintain accuracy with speed.

  1. Complexity of Questions

The science and math sections of a nursing exam can be particularly challenging due to their complex and in-depth questions. Since both subjects are quite diverse and encompass a broad range of topics, they can be a tough nut to crack.

  1. Test Anxiety

Test anxiety is a common thread shared by many candidates that can affect their performance in a nursing entrance exam. The stress or nervousness candidates feel before the exam can hinder their ability to think clearly.

  1. Preparation Level

The extent to which candidates prepare for their nursing exam is a crucial factor in deciding the prospects of their success. Inadequate preparation lowers the chances of success in the exam.

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Comparison of Different Nursing Entrance Exams

  • TEAS vs. HESI A2

Subjects Covered:

  • TEAS: Reading, Mathematics, Science, English and Language
  • HESI A2: Reading Comprehension, Mathematics, Science, English, Critical Thinking

Reading Section

  • TEAS: 40 questions; passage comprehension and drawing conclusions
  • HESI A2: 47 questions; understanding and interpreting passages

Mathematics Section

  • TEAS: 34 questions; basic math
  • HESI A2: 50 questions; basic math

Science Section

  • TEAS: 53 questions
  • HESI A2: 60 questions

Critical Thinking Section

  • TEAS: not included
  • HESI A2: included in some versions

Total Number of Questions

  • TEAS: 170
  • HESI A2: 150-160

Test Duration

  • TEAS: 209 minutes (about 3 hours 29 minutes)
  • HESI A2: Approximately 4 hours

How to Prepare for the Nursing Entrance Exam:

Take a look at the following Nursing entrance exam study tips if you want to outshine other competitors;

Study Resources

  1. Books: 
  • “ATI TEAS Test Study Guide” by ATI Nursing Education
  • “The Best TEAS Study Guide” by Test Prep Books
  • “HESI A2 Study Guide 2024-2025” by Test Prep Books
  • “HESI A2 Secrets Study Guide” by Mometrix Test Preparation
  • “Nursing Entrance Test (NET) Study Guide” by Trivium Test Prep
  • “NET Study Guide 2023-2024” by Test Prep Books
  • “NLN PAX-RN Exam Study Guide” by Test Prep Books
  1. Online Courses:
  • For TEAS, consider online courses offered by ATI and Khan Academy.
  • For HESI A2, consider online courses offered by Elsevier and study material from
  • For NET, consider online courses by and video lectures from Mometrix Academy.
  • FOR NLN PAX, consider online courses by the NLN Study Guide provided on the internet.
  1. Practice Tests:
  • Consider websites like Kaplan, Pearson, and Elsevier for online nursing practice tests. 

Study Tips from Successful Nursing Students

  • Create a Study Schedule: Failing to plan is planning to fail. Without a proper schedule, you are likely preparing for your downfall. Remember! An hour of planning can save you ten hours of doing. Successful students always recommend creating a study schedule by breaking down large tasks and allotting specific time to the divided chunks of tasks. 
  • Use Active Learning Techniques: Drop the passive learning techniques because they are outdated now. Engage in active learning techniques such as studying from flashcards, or teaching others, as they would help you retain information for longer.
  • Join Study Groups: Join forces with people who are likely in the same boat as you. Collaborating with peers sharing the same objectives will bring in fresh perspectives and clarify concepts.
  • Take Care of Your Health: Good health is the first requisite to happiness, so take care of your health. Good health equals effective study. Eat a healthy diet, exercise regularly, and get adequate sleep to ace your nursing school entrance exam.

Time Management

  • Set Goals: Set clear and realistic study goals for your study sessions. 
  • Create a Study Calendar: Time to make your own study calendar! Map out the dates of your study sessions. You can use apps such as Google Calendar or even physical planners to create your study calendar.
  • Prioritize Study Topics: After taking the practice tests, you will get familiar with the areas in which you lack. Prioritize those areas which need more attention. 
  • Use Time Blocks: Don’t forget to give yourself a break or else exhaustion will take over you. Use the Pomodoro technique or any other technique that serves the purpose. 
  •  Include Review Sessions: Keep revisiting the study material to reinforce the knowledge and improve retention. 

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Preparing:

While preparing for nursing school exams, one can easily make some really common mistakes. Let’s explore these mistakes and devise ways to steer clear of them;

  • Procrastination

Putting off until tomorrow what can be done today only results in increased stress and poor outcomes. Many students like to procrastinate and pull all-nighters, but, remember! The nursing entrance exam is not a child’s play. It has a colossal syllabus that can’t be completed in a night. So beware, and don’t fall prey to procrastination.

  • Ignoring Weak Areas

Many students are just not ready to face their weaknesses and they keep sweeping them under the rug. Instead of ignoring the elephant in the room, start addressing your weaknesses. Neglecting your weaknesses can create gaps in knowledge and hence poor performance.

If you are struggling to find solutions to these weaknesses on your own, ask a friend, or contact a mentor. They can help you overcome these weaknesses.

  • Not Taking Practice Tests Seriously

Overestimating yourself and not taking practice tests seriously can have detrimental effects on the exam outcome. Not taking these practice tests seriously means treating them just as mere exercises and not viable tools that would aid you in your nursing journey. 


In this long expedition of becoming a nurse, all you need is a dash of strategy and a sprinkle of determination. Remember! A comprehensive understanding of the sections of the exam, avoiding the pitfalls, working on your weaknesses, and knowing your options can make all the difference here. 

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Emily Baul

Expert Assignment Writer

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